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Crowns and Bridges

Has your smile been damaged over the years? Teeth can break down from ageing, an accident or poor oral hygiene. No matter what the reason is behind your smile being less than perfect, we have the solutions that you need to restore your pearly whites.

Illustration of dental crown

Dental Crowns

If you have worn or broken teeth, a crown is an ideal restoration solution. A crown can be used on the front or back teeth. If the tooth structure and aesthetics are compromised it’s advisable to put a crown on. We use a superior, TGA-approved material for crownwork.

A dental crown looks like an artificial tooth and fits snugly over a tooth that has been damaged by trauma, decay or has worn down over time. Aside from the aesthetic advantages of a crown, it also makes the tooth stronger. You will be able to eat the foods you want to.

A crown is also recommended after having root canal treatment or a dental implant.

Illustration of dental bridge

Bridging the Gap

A bridge is ideal for those who can’t have surgery to replace a tooth, so a bridge is a missing tooth solution without any surgical intervention. A dental bridge allows you to get back the full function of your teeth, whether you are missing one or more teeth.

When multiple dental crowns are bonded, it creates a dental bridge. The crowns on either end of the bridge are attached to your natural teeth that neighbour the gap where teeth are missing. The middle crown or crowns are then suspended into the open space, filling the gap.

You also may elect to have a dental bridge attached to a dental implant that has been surgically placed.

What to Expect

Two appointments will be required to get a dental crown or a dental bridge. At the first visit, we’ll examine your mouth and take impressions. This information is used at our laboratory to fabricate your crown or bridge. We will provide you with a temporary crown or bridge to wear until your permanent one is completed.

At your second appointment, we’ll place your crown or bridge and ensure you and your dentist are satisfied before it’s cemented into place.

Am I a Candidate for a Dental Crown?

If you have missing, chipped, broken or dead teeth, you may be a candidate for a crown. The best way to find out is to visit our practice for an in-person consultation. We’ll be able to evaluate your mouth and unique needs, recommending a care plan that’s perfect for you.

Schedule an Appointment

If you’re considering getting a crown or a bridge, contact us today to book an appointment! We offer a 15-year warranty on crowns and bridges Spearwood.

* Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.


Dental Crowns and Bridges Spearwood, Coogee, North Coogee WA | (08) 6154 0330